Chinese food has a variety of dishes and flavours, like even a stir fry can have so many different variations. It is pocket friendly, and since most places deliver you can even enjoy it at home. With plenty of combinations, fresh ingredients and economical food it is very appealing to most people. If you count yourself as the member of Chinese cuisine fan club then you must educate yourself on Chinese dining etiquette.
- Order multiple dishes
In an Asian culture, it is customary to enjoy Chinese food in a family style. So, when you are at a restaurant, order a bunch of dishes and share it with your friends or family. This way you can enjoy the flavors of every dish and respect the Asian traditions as well. It is a win-win.
- Make sure you keep the feet on the floor
Now this may seem obvious, most people do keep their feet on the floor, but it is considered disrespectful to show the bottom of your feet. In Buddhism, the head is believed to be the holiest part of the body whereas feet ate the lowest part. Therefore, it is rude to point the soles of your feet at someone else.
- Chopsticks are only for eating
Only use your chopsticks if you need them to eat your food, don’t play with them!Chopsticks are to be used in a respectful manner, use them only to pick your food and place it in your mouth. Don’t point them at someone or drum the plates or bowls with them.
- Don’t stick the chopsticks in your food
If you stick them directly down your food you are wishing ill on someone, so it’s better to avoid doing that.
- Serve the elders first
Don’t start by helping yourself to food first, that is rude. It is customary to start by serving the eldest on the table. If you choose to serve, then you must serve yourself in the end.
- Always remember to say “Thankyou”
Saying thank you to show appreciation or nodding your head is the appropriate thing to do.
These are some points that you should be aware of when visiting a Chinese restaurant and show how you are going out of your way to respect their culture. If you have read our list and you think you are prepared to visit a Chinese restaurant then head over to MamaLan in London, they have a restaurant in Brixton Village, Clapham Common and a takeaway kiosk at Canary Wharf.
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